RiverLOop Expo PLAza
This is a great place to tell your story and give people more insight into who you are, what you do, and why it’s all about you.

Waterloo's Food Truck Festival will return to the RiverLoop Expo Plaza at Park Ave and Jefferson St in Downtown Waterloo.
You have shown us how much you love the event, so we are making the event even bigger this year!
Saturday, August 31
Hours: 11am-7pm
ABOUT THE RIVERLOOP EXPO PLAZA: The two-block downtown plaza is composed of a series of integrated public exposition spaces that serve as flexible outdoor vendor, market, and activity spaces. The site serves as the visual front door and connection with the Waterloo Riverwalk.
The design incorporates irrigated event lawns and vibrant brick plaza areas to hold events. Specialty lighting and banner features provide color and event signage while acting as sources of power throughout the site. A series of sign and light towers equipped with programmable LED lighting draw visitors to and through the site and serve as gateways to the Riverwalk amenities beyond.

Parking Information
Event attendees can find parking at several locations near the RiverLoop Expo Plaza. Free parking will be available at the Waterloo Center for the Arts at 225 Commercial and under the Hwy 218 overpass. Parking is available in the Commercial St parking ramp for $5.
The parking lot at the Public Market is reserved for the business that is located there.